Your bond repayment: Your big monthly expense is likely to be your monthly bond instalments, so start off by using one of the many online calculators to establish how much you will be able to borrow on a home loan without breaking your budget when it comes to the repayments. Think carefully about how happy you will be with the lifestyle you can afford after paying your bond every month.
Bank pre-approval: with a pre-approved bond in place, it will give you a negotiating tool when you are ready to purchase your dream home
Hidden costs in owning a home: annual rates and taxes, insurance, levies, home security services, garden servies, maintenance and repairs, costs linked to electricity, water, refuse removal, sewerage etc. Do not forget about the moving cost, new curtains and small costs to make the home your own.
Deposit: Most first-time buyers will need to pay at least a 5% to 10% cash deposit.
Bond costs: Your bond needs to be registered in the Deeds Office by the bank's attorneys. This fee is paid to the Bond Attorney to register the bond and added in this amount is the bank's initiation fee.
Transfer costs: The purchaser is laible to pay the transfer costs to the conveyancer who will attend to the registration of the property into your name in the Deeds Office.
Transfer duty: Unless there's VAT on the sale, you will have to pay the transfer duty. This is a government tax on property sales. No duty is payable on a property valued up to R1m.